Managed Care Advisors

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Complex proposals can be a daunting task to undertake as they sap resources and bandwidth. Additionally, the difference in winning and losing can be based largely on compliance and understanding the Request for Proposal (RFP). Managed Care Advisors, LLC (MCA) is an Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) that hired Global Services to guide its team in the pursuit of a large Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) program contract. This program is directed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (CDC-NIOSH).

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The Pharmacy Benefits Management (PBM) program called for an extremely thorough and technically detailed response, requiring careful outlining and content reviews to ensure compliance with the complex RFP. The 200+ page proposal required input from many teams from multiple companies. This vast amount of information had to be condensed into a proposal with a stringent page count while maintaining cogency, readability, and aesthetic appeal.


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Solutions and Results

Our team helped MCA submit a winning proposal that won them a 5 year contract to manage a PBM program for a population of thousands of people. To manage this complex undertaking, our team provided extensive proposal development including response organization and team leadership, win strategy enhancement, and submission support.

Global Services developed a plan of attack and galvanized the team by organizing their materials and processes. We designed a proposal schedule to guide the team through the iterative writing, review, and recovery processes and ultimately to the timely submission of a winning proposal. In addition, we led an initial Content Planning Session with the entire proposal team to ensure each section was built from the ground up to be compliant, compelling, and communicative of Team MCA’s unique discriminators and Win Themes.

Throughout the process, Global Services made mid-flight adjustments to the schedule to accommodate changing Government deadlines, allowing the proposal effort to proceed smoothly.

These key elements in leadership and organization meant that, even in light of the challenges posed by the wide range of key players and moving pieces, Team MCA created a proposal with a consistent story. We provided thorough text editing to make sure that story was told in one compelling voice.

In addition to helping guide the development of proposal content, Global Services created visual appeal throughout the proposal. We designed a template for use across all volumes—one that was both compliant with government requirements and consistent with MCA’s corporate brand. We created graphics, designed page layouts, and provided desktop publishing for the final proposal.

Additionally, our team was able to work with the team to create a winning pricing strategy. This strategy, paired with the strong technical proposal, resulted in a winning bid.

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